The year that went by.

2020 what a year is was! Writing this post in june of 2021! And still processing it. Suffice to say drawing, painting, seeing artworks posted by others in the art community were truly helpful getting through the year on a good note. I did notice, both in my own case and with some others.. and heard from quite a few artist friends, about how many creatives across the world noticed an increase in productivity surprisingly.. creating more works despite all the odds. Maybe it was an outlet for us to what was going around the world.

Here is a glimpse, a collage, of some of my works done last year. Each work had a reason for being done at that time but I remember thinking when I sat down to draw and paint, that I wanted to create things that were uplifting and enjoyable not just for me but also the viewer. Looking back, my instagram feed looks like a virtual diary with jottings about the situation along with the art created as the year evolved.